How to Style Your Shelves
Think rule of three - stick to grouping items in three, this can be three items per shelf or this could be within any groups on the shelf, sticking to no more than three items in the group
Contemplate height - have different heights to the shelves, ensure you mix high items with mid-sized and low items.
Use personalised items - have a look what’s already in your cupboards that you have, not only does it cut costs, but it makes you shelves personal, there’s not point having uncluttered shelves that are filled with things of beauty you don’t want just to hide a cluttered cupboard, but it also will make you happier to have on display items you love and bringing happy memories! It’s also more sustainable to use things you already have - win-win-win!!!
Once you’ve got your items, think what item would you like to take centre stage in each shelf and what would you like as ‘supporting items’, you may then identify gaps in your shelves, in terms of your key interests, so the shelves don’t represent you wholly, or in terms of your aesthetic you aim for.
For me - I like to theme the items. So I think, what are the generic topics that we as a couple love (travel, football, interior design, reading family) and special items - then I ensure I have a shelf that is dedicated to each of those things. Interestingly, because we love these things, there’s loads of items of all different heights so it’s quite easy to style.
I hope this helps, if you need any additional support feel free to reach out